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Stained limestone

Asked by Stephanie from Oxbdridge: I have recently had 50m2 of White polished limestone installed, after completion there appears to be waxy/cloudy stains on the tiles and not looking as shiny as required please help

TileProf says: Hi, Thanks for the e-mail, there are two reasons this happens, both answers require the sealer to be lifted and started again, if you need a Tile Doctor to do this click here and fill in the form. http://www.tiledoctor.co.uk/HomeService.asp If you wish to have a go yourself click here and follow the instructions http://www.tiledoctor.co.uk/Limestone. The reason why you have a white bloom is either the Stone was still damp when the sealer was laid and the excess moisture has casued the sealer to damp off. Or the Tiler did a poor job of taking the excess grout off the Tiles before sealing and a bloom has devloped, either way the only answer is to take the sealer off and clean it properly and then allow it to dry sufficiently beofre it is sealed again. Regards Russell at Tile Doctor Russell Taylor Tile Doctor Ltd

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