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Excess Dried Grout

Asked by Freddy from UK: Hi, I have just laid mosaic effect ceramic wall tiles in my bathroom and the tiles went on well, but when i applied the grout (powder mixed) i had to leave for a minor emergency before i was able to sponge it off smoothly allover, so now the grout has hardened and it's very difficult to scrape off. I was using a vitrex grout removal sponge that is basically like a scotchbrite brillo type sponge which is quite abrasive. This worked on the surface of the tiles but there is still alot of excess in the joints that looks quite bad. i have read white vinegar and steel wool removes film, but i am unsure whether i should do this within 48 hours of applying the grout? I have considered using a grout rake to grind out the worst areas, but this will be very time consuming as they are small rectangular mosaics.. Any help or advice you can offer will be massively appreciated as i'm really at a loss for what to do. Thanks in adnavce, Freddy

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